Saturday, February 26, 2022

City Building Scores Gold Award for Health and Well-Being

Permitting and Development Center is first project in Austin to secure WELL Gold Certification

A City of Austin building that provides a one-stop shop for permitting and development services has become the first in the Austin area to obtain a WELL Gold Level Certification for maximizing the health and well-being of the residents and employees who use it.
The City’s Permitting and Development Center (PDC), on Wilhelmina Delco Drive in central Austin, opened its doors in July 2021, offering a new take on the development experience and complementing the growing range of virtual options that are now available for the Austin community.
The PDC brings together resources and expertise from multiple City departments that provide permitting and development services for the Austin community. They include Development Services, Austin Energy, Austin Fire, Austin Center for Events, Austin Transportation, Austin Water and Austin Public Health. The facility is designed to provide a seamless development process, all in one place, for residential and commercial customers who prefer in-person services.
Now, the building has been awarded the Green Business Certification Inc’s WELL Certified Gold Level after scoring highly on a range of measures, including:

  • Indoor air quality
  • Drinking water quality
  • Availability of nutritious food
  • Lighting design
  • Integration of physical activity
  • Thermal comfort
  • Noise reduction
  • Healthy building materials
  • Mental health promotion
  • Access to essential healthcare

The WELL Building Standard is described as a vehicle for buildings and organizations to deliver more thoughtful and intentional spaces that enhance human health and well-being.
“This is great news, and a momentous milestone considering the years of planning that went into the Permitting and Development Center,” said Assistant City Manager Rodney Gonzales.

“Having our entire City’s permitting team in one location, and in a state of the art building, no less, is the culmination of years of community planning and hard work. We are thrilled to serve Austin in such a beautiful space,” said Denise Lucas, Development Services Department Director.

“The new Permitting and Development Center was built with wellness and sustainability at the forefront,” said Lucia Athens, the City’s Chief Sustainability Officer. “By focusing on WELL principles like abundant natural light, good air quality, and healthy food availability, the City of Austin is leading the way in people-centric building design.”
“We congratulate the City of Austin on achieving WELL Certification for its Permitting and Development Center project,” said Peter Templeton, President and CEO of Green Business Certification Inc. “Achieving WELL Certification demonstrates leadership in transforming health and well-being in the spaces where we spend our time.”