This week, Austin City Council authorized the first construction contract to deliver projects funded by the 2020 Mobility Bond. This marks the beginning of the 6-year implementation timeline set for the bond as committed in the Contract with the Voters.
"We heard in 2016, 2018 and 2020 that delivering safety and mobility improvements for Austin is on the top of voter’s minds,” said Assistant City Manager Gina Fiandaca. “The community has given us the resources and now it’s our job to make sure the improvements happen so all Austinites can get to their destinations safely and sustainably with more mobility options.”
The new construction contract enables multiple local mobility projects such as pedestrian crossings, transit stops, asphalt speed cushions, pavement markings and signage which will enhance safety, mobility, and transit access in neighborhoods throughout Austin. More than 20 new and improved pedestrian crossings will be built in the first phases of the contract including investments that will improve safety such as getting to and from bus service to the Austin Community College Eastview campus and improving access to parkland along Nuckols Crossing Road.
The 2020 Mobility Bond, totaling $460 million, is divided into three discrete programs: Large Capital Improvement Projects (CIP), Substandard Streets, and Local Mobility.
The Local Mobility Program funds the Bikeways, Sidewalks, Safe Routes to School, Transit Enhancement, Vision Zero, Urban Trails, and Neighborhood Partnering Programs. Like the practice implemented with the 2016 Mobility Bond, local mobility projects are reviewed and prioritized annually as part of the City’s Mobility Annual Plan (MAP) process. The 2022 MAP was recently released for public comment and the final 2022 MAP will be published in May 2022. The MAP will continue to guide the work of these programs year to year.
Projects funded by all Austin Mobility Bonds are underway. Remember to travel cautiously through work zones. You can also be aware of construction before you go and learn more about projects coming in your neighborhood by signing up for the Austin Mobility Bonds newsletter.