More than 200 charging ports are being installed across Austin to support the City's growing fleet of electric vehicles. The City of Austin is working toward a goal to become carbon neutral by increasing its electric vehicle fleet. Led by Fleet Mobility Services, nearly 5% of the City's on-road vehicle fleet is on track to be electric by the end of 2022. To support the electric transportation strategy, Fleet Mobility Services is partnering with Public Works and Austin Energy to facilitate the construction and installation of charging infrastructure for Fleet's electric vehicles at various municipal buildings, utility and parking garages. To date, 125 charging ports have been installed, with 77 more planned for the coming year. Part of the City's goal includes adding 330 electric vehicles to its fleet by the end of 2022. This partnership among departments is putting the City well on its way to reach its target. Cost savings to date are ahead of plan showing a 50% greater savings opportunity to the forecast of $3.5M over 10 years. "As our fleet of electric vehicles grows, it's essential we build the infrastructure to support it," said Gina Fiandaca, Assistant City Manager. "Adding these additional charging ports is part of a long-term strategy prioritizing the City of Austin's commitment to environmental stewardship." Phase one and phase two of this project installed charging stations at city buildings including Aviation, Austin Transportation, Austin Police and Austin Energy. Phase three of this initiative is currently underway with charging stations to be installed at 10 City of Austin department sites including Austin Fire, Austin Water and Austin Resource Recovery. Other municipal and utility buildings planned to receive stations include Watershed Protection, Fleet Mobility Services, Austin Resource Recovery, Aviation and Public Works. Austin's Fleet Mobility Services department, which manages roughly 6,800 fleet assets across 25 departments, is accredited by CALSTART in collaboration with NAFA (National Association of Fleet Administrators) as a Sustainable Fleet. The City of Austin Fleet Mobility Services is the only Fleet in the state of Texas to receive this accreditation. Fleet Mobility Services Officer Jennifer Walls commented: "As automotive manufacturers expand electric vehicle options, opportunities to transition the City fleet will increase. City of Austin departments working together will be ready to meet that demand." 