Early voting for the May election began on Monday, April 24 and runs through Tuesday, May 2. Election Day is Saturday, May 6.
City of Austin Special Called Election Ballot:
Proposition A
Proposition A: Shall the voters of Austin adopt an initiated ordinance, circulated by Equity Action, that will deter police misconduct and brutality by strengthening the City's system of independent and transparent civilian police oversight?
Proposición A: ¿Adoptarán los votantes de Austin una ordenanza iniciada, circulada por Equity Action, que impide la mala conducta y brutalidad policial reforzando el sistema civil independiente y transparente de supervisión policial de la ciudad?
Proposition B
Proposition B: Shall the voters of Austin adopt an initiated ordinance, circulated by Voters for Oversight and Police Accountability, that will strengthen the City’s system of independent and transparent civilian police oversight?
Proposición B: ¿Deberían los votantes de Austin adoptar una ordenanza iniciada, circulada por Votantes a Favor de Supervisión y Responsabilidad Policial, que refuerce el sistema municipal de la Ciudad de supervisión policial civil independiente y transparente?
Polling Locations:
In-person early voting: Monday, April 24 - Tuesday, May 2
Election Day: Saturday, May 6
What are the voter ID laws in Texas?
See Voter identification laws.
More information about the City of Austin May 2022 Election:
Provided by ATXPress: TodayinAustin is a bulletin board for City of Austin communications to the public.
Thursday, April 27, 2023
Austinites to Vote on Police Oversight on May Ballot
AUSTIN, Texas – The City of Austin has been awarded a $105.2 million Capital Construction Grant as part of the U.S. Department of Transporta...