On Wednesday, August 17th, 2022, District 2 Councilmember Vanessa Fuentes and AFSCME Local 1624 will be hosting a rally in support of increasing the living wage for City of Austin employees to $20/hr.
With costs increasing in Austin and wages staying stagnant, now is the time for the Austin City Council to listen to its workers and increase the living wage for city employees. In the recently proposed budget, the City Manager has proposed a living wage increase from $15/hr to $18/hr. While that is a record increase, it’s simply not enough to meet the crisis that we are in. If we want the City to provide reliable services, we need to raise the living wage to at least $20/hr. Join union members, workers, advocates, and city councilmembers while we rally to pass the highest proposed living wage in the country.
WHERE: City Hall, Press Room (301 W 2nd St, Austin, 78701)
WHEN: Wednesday, August 17th, 9:00 - 9:30 AM (Before City Council Budget Session)
WHO: Councilmembers Fuentes, Vela, Kitchen, Tovo, and Renteria. Representatives from AFSCME, Central Texas Interfaith, Unite Here, and more.
WHAT: Rally consisting of workers, unions, advocates, and City Councilmembers pushing for a $20/hr living wage increase.
Provided by ATXPress: TodayinAustin is a bulletin board for City of Austin communications to the public.
Tuesday, August 16, 2022
Rally in Support of Austin Living Wage Increase, Wednesday, August 17th, 2022
AUSTIN, Texas – The City of Austin has been awarded a $105.2 million Capital Construction Grant as part of the U.S. Department of Transporta...