Even as they face rising costs and supply chain issues affecting communities on a global basis, Austin leaders remain committed to completing the Project Connect plan city voters approved in 2020 without implementing new taxes.
The Austin Transit Partnership board of directors discussed the Project Connect timeline with staff on Wednesday, Aug. 24. In the spring of 2023, staff plans to bring forth an updated light rail implementation plan.
As staff develops that plan, the community will be engaged throughout. Upcoming meetings include the Project Connect Community Advisory Committee on Sept. 8, and more engagement opportunities will be posted on Project Connect’s Get Involved page.
“My expectation is that we’re going to be technically sound, that we will produce the functions that are requested and we explain how we get there,” said ATP board member Jeff Travillion at the Aug. 24 meeting.
Travillion was officially sworn in as the newest member of the ATP board on Aug. 24. You can watch a recording of the meeting at ATXN. |