Thursday, May 4, 2023

Austin Water Hosts Community Celebration for My ATX Water Project Milestone


Over 125,000 new digital meters installed throughout the City of Austin

AUSTIN – Austin Water has reached a major milestone in the My ATX Water Smart Water Meter Program, a key strategy in Austin’s 100-year water plan, Water Forward. The project has surpassed the halfway point and Austin Water wants to celebrate with the community.
Over half of all water meters have been replaced as part of a major effort to upgrade and modernize critical infrastructure, while encouraging and supporting customer efforts to conserve water and save money on their bills. More than 125,000 new My ATX Water digital meters have been installed, and by 2025, all customers served by Austin Water will have a new My ATX Water meter.
“This milestone is cause for celebration!” said Randi Jenkins, Assistant Director of Customer Experience at Austin Water. “The My ATX Water digital infrastructure and the associated portal will help individuals save water by identifying leaks in their homes, helping them budget water use, and providing tips on saving water and money.”
The free community celebration will be held on Saturday, May 6 at Dove Springs District Park, 5801 Ainez Drive, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
“We will have family-friendly activities, free pancakes, and ice cream from local vendors while supplies last. Dowser Dan, Austin’s very own water saver, will be there, and we can help to get people signed up on the customer portal.” said Jenkins. “We want to meet members of the community and share all the great benefits this new system will provide.”
The My ATX Water portal gives Austin Water customers near real-time data to better track and manage water use. Customers can set water use thresholds to push notifications to their email or phone. They can also sign up to receive customized water saving tips based on the water use specific to their household. The My ATX Water customer portal will also provide alerts about continuous water usage that could indicate a leak.
The portal is available to all Austin Water customers, regardless of whether they have received the new digital meter..For more information, head to

My ATX Water Community Celebration
Saturday, May 6, 2023

10:00 am- 1:00 pm

Dove Springs District Park
5801 Ainez Drive
Media Availability 10:00-10:30

Contact: Austin Water Public Information Office,