Thursday, September 14, 2023

Austin Debuts Ready Together: A Pilot Emergency Preparedness Class


The City of Austin Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (HSEM) is rolling out a new community resource: Ready Together, a free classroom training on basic emergency preparedness. The course is developed in partnership with Austin Watershed Protection Department, Ascension Seton, Go Austin/Vamos Austin, City of Austin Office of Resilience, University of Texas Medical Reserve Corps, and Austin Fire Department.

“Ready Together is a new opportunity for people to proactively prepare themselves in advance of an emergency,” said Austin HSEM Director Ken Snipes. “Our residents who take this class will be more self-reliant and better prepared. This will allow more support from first responders for individuals who need additional assistance in an emergency.”

Event: Ready Together: Basic Emergency Preparedness for You, Your Family & Your Neighborhood (Classroom Training)
Time: Thursday, September 28, 2023, 6-8 p.m.
Location: Montopolis Recreation & Community Center, 1200 Montopolis Dr., Austin, TX 78741

Attendees must register for the class to attend. Reserve a spot at:

This free, 2-hour course is open to community members, regardless of preparedness knowledge. The course will provide an introduction from the experts on how to practice the four steps of emergency preparedness: making a plan, building a kit, knowing your neighbors, and staying informed. Attendees will gain practical knowledge on how to prepare their home, family, and community for a variety of hazards.

“Collaboration among our community and partners is key to building a more resilient Austin. Our teams are each bringing their unique expertise to create a valuable resource that will help our community be prepared before the next disaster,” said Austin Watershed Protection Department Director Jorge Morales.

Participants who complete the course will receive a free emergency supply starter kit. Interpreters will be available on-site in Spanish and American Sign Language. Other languages can be requested by contacting 3-1-1 at least five days before the event.

This is the first time Ready Together is being offered. Austin HSEM plans to host the course quarterly in 2024. Future training dates and more information on how to prepare can be found at .