Monday, January 30, 2023

City Offices Open Tomorrow, Jan. 31, Some Operations May be Affected

City offices and facilities will be open during regular business hours tomorrow, Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2023. However, due to forecasted winter weather conditions, some City staff will telecommute and operations may be delayed or reduced during the day.  

For updates on City operations visit  

Trash/Recycling/Compost Collection 
Residents should place trash, recycling, and compost carts at their curb on their regular collection day. Weather and traffic conditions could cause some collection delays. 

Austin Municipal Court and the Downtown Austin Community Court will delay opening until 10 a.m. For docket information on the Austin Municipal Courts, call 512-974-4800. For docket information on the Downtown Austin Community Court, call 512-974-4879. The Downtown Austin Community Court's Violet KeepSafe Storage program (VKS), Homeless Services, Court Services, and Community Services will also be opening at 10 a.m. tomorrow. 

Parks and Recreation 
Golf courses will be closed. All other public facing PARD facilities, including Barton Springs Pool and Big Stacy Pool will open at 8:30 a.m. Swim at your own risk at Barton Springs Pool has been cancelled on Tues 1/31. More info about park closures, visit:  

Austin Public Library 
All Austin Public Library locations will open at 10 a.m. 

The City of Austin will continue to monitor conditions and will provide updates as they become available. 

For information about Cold Weather Shelters, Warming Centers, and other impacted City operations visit:

For the most up-to-date information about City of Austin operations, monitor City social media on Twitter or Facebook (@austintexasgov). Additionally, updates will be posted on the City’s website at Information will also be available by calling 3-1-1. 

Decisions about City of Austin delays and closures are made based on the best available information that officials have at the time. Weather forecasts, road conditions and other warnings are subject to change that can be sudden. 

For information on school delays and other governmental offices, residents are encouraged to monitor those organizations' communication channels and local media.