Thursday, July 21, 2022

MoveOutATX Brings Donation Stations and Free Furniture Market to UT West Campus


City of Austin collaborates with local reuse organizations to help reduce waste and support the local economy during annual move-out season
Austin Resource Recovery (ARR), a department of the City of Austin, the University of Texas (UT) Office of Sustainability, and the UT New Student Services Off-Campus Initiative will host MoveOutATX, an annual donation event in West Campus. Students can drop off unwanted furniture, household items, appliances, clothing, cleaning supplies, unopened food and more at six donation stations located throughout West Campus July 28-31 from 11 a.m.-6 p.m. daily. The program offers a convenient way to provide local reuse organizations with unwanted items still in good condition. These items will only be accepted during operating hours.

Additionally, MoveOutATX will pilot a Free Furniture Market this year. Participating reuse organizations will transfer donated furniture pieces to the "market" located at UT Austin Wright-Whitaker Sports Complex. All Austinites may take what they would like and keep these items out of the landfill. Items will be made available on a "first-come, first-served" basis. Participants must be able to load and transport items themselves and will be required to sign a liability waiver. The market will be open to the public on the same days, from 2:30-7 p.m.

Community volunteers are needed to staff the donation stations and Free Furniture Market. Volunteers are provided cold water, electrolyte drinks, snacks, cool-it towels and discounts to local businesses. Volunteers can sign-up for shifts at

"In addition to keeping valuable resources out of the landfill and giving them back to the community, MoveOutATX provides a solution to problems caused by stacking furniture and household things in alleyways, backstreets and parking lots," said Austin Resource Recovery Director Ken Snipes. "These conditions can lead to public health issues and create barriers to emergency vehicle access."

Dates, times and locations:
 donation station operational times are daily Thursday, July 28 to Sunday, July 31 from 11 a.m.-6p.m. Locations:
  • 2207 Rio Grande, across from Hardin House
  • Escala Condos, near 26th St. and San Gabriel St.
  • Croix Condos, across from The Block on 25th at 706 W 25th St.
  • Camino Flats, 2810 Salado St.
  • Lenox Condos, near 23rd and San Gabriel St.
  • Texas Tri Delta, parking lot on Nueces St. near 27th St.
Free Furniture Market operational times are daily from July 28-31, 2:30-7 p.m. Located at UT-Austin Wright-Whitaker Sports Complex, 4901 Guadalupe St., Austin, TX 78751 (Parking lot off 51st St. near tennis courts)

This year's participating reuse organizations include Austin Creative Reuse, Goodwill Central Texas, Salvation Army Family Stores, UT Outpost, the HEAL initiative, Arms of Hope, JOSCO Products and Thrifthouse. Learn more:
About Austin Resource Recovery
Austin Resource Recovery provides a wide range of services designed to transform waste into resources while keeping our community clean. Services include curbside collection of recycling, trash, yard trimming and large brush and bulk items; street sweeping; dead animal collection; household hazardous waste disposal and recycling; and outreach and education. In December 2011, the Austin City Council approved the Austin Resource Recovery Master Plan, which is the City’s roadmap to Zero Waste. The City of Austin is committed to reducing the amount of waste sent to area landfills by 90 percent by 2040 or sooner.