Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Early Voting for City of Austin Proposition A on Weed and Warrants Starts April 25

Early voting for the May 7, 2022 special called election starts Monday, April 25 and ends on Tuesday, May 3, 2022. There is one proposition on the ballot for the City of Austin. 

City of Austin Special Called Election Ballot:
Proposition A:

·         City of Austin Proposition A: Shall an initiative ordinance be approved to (1) eliminate enforcement of low-level marijuana offenses and (2) ban the use of “no knock” warrants by Austin police?


·         Ciudad de Austin Proposición A: ¿Será aprobada la ordenanza por iniciativa para (1) despenalizar la marijuana en bajo nivel y (2) prohibir las ordenes de “no tocar” por la policía de Austin?


Polling Locations:

In-person early voting: Monday, April 25-Tuesday, May 3

Election Day: Saturday, May 7

Last day to request a ballot by mail (received, not postmarked): Tuesday, April 26


Texas voters are eligible to vote by mail in an election if:

·         They cannot make it to the polls on Election Day because they will be away from the county on Election Day and during early voting;

·         They are sick or disabled;

·         They are 65 years of age or older; or

·         They are confined in jail.


To vote by mail, a request must be received by your County election official no later than close of regular business on the eleventh day before the election (April 26, 2022). With some exceptions, the completed ballot must then be returned by the close of polls on Election Day. For more information on voting by mail, see


What are the voter ID laws in Texas?

See Voter identification laws.


More information about the City of Austin May 2022 Election: