The Austin Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) and The City of Austin Housing and Planning Department (HPD) invite community members to join a community review panel to review proposals for Project Connect Anti-displacement funding. Applications are open through May 20, 2022. This announcement follows last week's release of the Notification of Funding Availability for Community Initiated Solutions.
Panel members will review applications from organizations that propose programs to support residents and neighborhoods near Project Connect lines and stations. Proposals will include solutions to avoid evictions and foreclosures, support expansion of homeownership, and create asset-building opportunities that improve people's economic mobility.
Community members who live in areas impacted by Project Connect and are at risk of displacement are especially invited to apply. In addition, community members who have experience with community leadership and engagement, displacement and gentrification, or previous participation in funding review panels are also encouraged to apply.
Participation will require approximately 30 hours over a period of three to four weeks, including four hours of training. A stipend is available for panel members.
For more information and to access the community review panel online application, visit About Austin Housing Finance Corporation The Austin Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) was created as a public, non-profit corporation and instrumentality of the City of Austin. The mission of the AHFC is to generate and implement strategic housing solutions for the benefit of low- and moderate-income residents of the City of Austin.
About Housing and Planning Department The Housing and Planning Department provides resources related to planning, zoning, housing, and community development to enhance the quality of life of all Austinites. Equitable, efficient, and comprehensive planning with displacement prevention as a prioritized focus is the Department’s core charge in delivering housing services to the community.