As work continues on interim safety and mobility improvements to South Pleasant Valley Road over the Longhorn Dam bridge, the construction work zone will shift from the east side of the bridge to the west side during the early hours of Sunday, June 27. Austin Transportation will establish a temporary new temporary trail detour on Monday, June 28.
The new detour will route people walking and biking across the lake to the newly built shared-use pathway on the east side of the bridge using two newly constructed Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon signals. The detour will remain in place while the west side of the bridge is closed for construction. Construction will continue to build out another shared-use pathway on the west side of the bridge. Future work will include final markings and signal enhancements to complete the project.

View printable detour map here
All vehicular travel lanes across the Longhorn Dam bridge will be closed from approximately 12 a.m. - 5 a.m. on Sunday, June 27 as crews adjust the traffic control set up to prepare the work zone for the next phase of project construction. During the closure, people driving will be detoured to use either I-35 or US-183 South for alternate routes across Lady Bird Lake. People driving northbound toward the bridge will be detoured to Lakeshore Boulevard. People driving southbound will be detoured to Cesar Chavez Street. Pedestrian and bicycle access across the bridge will remain intact throughout the night.
This work is part of the 2016 Mobility Bond project to install near-term safety improvements to South Pleasant Valley Road from Cesar Chavez Street to Elmont Drive. The changes are intended to address crash patterns resulting in more than $46 million in comprehensive crash costs over the last five years. Construction of the interim improvements began in January 2021.
VIEW: map of the project design
VIEW: video of construction progress
In November 2020, Austin voters passed Proposition B, providing $102 million for major capital improvements, including a new "wishbone" bicycle and pedestrian bridge over Lady Bird Lake. Full design and construction of the new bridge are expected to take five years.
For more information, visit
Austin Transportation delivers safe, reliable mobility for all community members through the City's network of bikeways, roadways, and walkways. From signs to signals and planning to parking, we work to improve any way you move. Austin Transportation leads our community's Vision Zero goal of eliminating traffic deaths and serious injuries on Austin streets, the achievement of a 50/50 commute type split by 2039 as established in the Austin Strategic Mobility Plan, and actively seeks innovative solutions and piloting technology that can decrease the use of single-occupancy vehicles and improve safety through Austin Transportation's Smart Mobility Office. Visit for more information.