Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Austin-Travis County Health Authority Extends COVID-19 Emergency Rules

For immediate release:
November 11, 2020
Contact:  Austin-Travis County Joint Information System, 512-974-0699, hsempio@austintexas.gov

Austin-Travis County Health

Authority Extends COVID-19

Emergency Rules

Austin, Texas – Today, the Austin-Travis County Health Authority extended the existing emergency rules that promote the health and safety of Austin-Travis County residents in the fight against COVID-19.  

The extended Health Authority Emergency Rules can be found at austintexas.gov/department/covid-19-information/orders-rules. These rules take effect on Nov. 10 and expire on Dec. 31, 2020.   

The emergency rules, which were adopted as authorized by City of Austin Ordinance No. 2020709-003, govern individuals and sites within the City of Austin and impose requirements reasonably necessary to protect public health from COVID-19 during this critical moment of transmission.   

"Yesterday we reported the highest number of new cases since September. We are up over 140 percent in a little over a month, and 60 percent in the past week." said Dr. Mark Escott, Interim Austin-Travis County Health Authority. "A significantly worsening situation here in Travis County from COVID-19 transmission."   

These emergency rules are separate from City and County Orders, which can also be found on the COVID-19 Orders and Rules page.  

For more information about COVID-19, visit AustinTexas.gov/COVID19.