Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Notice of Hearing: Updates to Austin Strategic Mobility Plan, City Hall on Feb. 15, 2024

The  Austin Strategic Mobility Plan (ASMP) is Austin’s comprehensive, multimodal transportation plan. It was first adopted in 2019 as the transportation element of Imagine Austin, our city's comprehensive plan. Per direction from City Council, the ASMP is going through an amendment process to consider recommendations from Planning Commission. The amendment process is now reaching the final stage.

The proposed amendments reflect the recommendations provided by Planning Commission in a memo from October 2023. City Council approved resolution initiating this amendment process with direction to return to Council for amendment consideration by February 15, 2024. Now, the final round of engagement will be through the City Council Public Hearing process.

The City Council will consider these amendments on February 15, 2024 at City Hall Council Chambers, 301 West Second Street, and viewable through the ATXN website beginning at 10 a.m. Comments on the proposed amendment(s) from any member of the public will be heard during the Public Hearing. 

To participate in this Public Hearing, you may either attend virtually by viewing the meeting online and registering to speak in advance, or by going to City Hall at 301 West Second Street and attending in-person. For additional information on how to participate in the meeting, visit the City Clerk’s Public Participation webpage.

The proposed amendments can be viewed using the materials available on the ASMP’s amendment webpage. Specifically, the ASMP Redline document shows how the two amendments would be incorporated into the ASMP.

If you are experiencing technical difficulties accessing these materials or have questions, please email ASMP@AustinTexas.gov. If you would like to comment on the final draft proposals, please consider participating in City Council’s process via the City Clerk webpage linked above.