Monday, October 18, 2021

Austin Housing Finance Corporation seeking qualified contractors for home rehabilitation programs

Austin Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC), is seeking proposals from qualified contractors to perform new construction, reconstruction, minor construction, repair, remediation, rehabilitation, modification, or alterations of AHFC or private residential structures under the City of Austin's Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

The Program operates on a Job Order Contracting (JOC) basis. Potential contractors must have specific contracting experience, as detailed in the solicitation, and agree to comply with all federal, state, and local requirements applicable to these programs. AHFC anticipates selecting up to four qualified contractors for a 21-month initial term and has the option to extend the contract term for three additional one-year terms.  AHFC has allocated $2 million for the initial term and an additional $1 million for any additional terms.

Documents for Solicitation, including all sections and attachments, can be obtained through the City's Housing and Planning website (link).  All documents should be completed as directed. 

A non-mandatory Pre-Submittal meeting will be held at 1:30 pm on Tuesday, October 26, 2021, via Microsoft TEAMS.  To register to attend this meeting, please email your NAME, FIRM, and EMAIL ADDRESS to Alan Fish at  A Microsoft TEAMS meeting invite will be sent directly to your email address. 

Sealed proposals are due before 3 PM on November 10, 2021, to the AHFC offices, 1000 East 11th Street, Suite 200A, Austin, Texas 78702.  Proposers shall submit one (1) original and one (1) electronic copy of the Proposal.  The paper copy of the Proposal shall be printed on standard 8 ½ X 11 paper, double-sided, have consecutive numbered pages and clearly labeled "ORIGINAL" and contain the signature of the person authorized to sign on behalf of the firm.  The electronic copy of the Proposal shall be in Portable Document Format (.pdf) and submitted on a flash drive and shall be exact replicas of the original paper copy with bookmarks that correspond with Proposal tab numbers.  All proposal documents and flash drives must be delivered in a sealed container postmarked before the due date and time to be considered responsive.

Questions may be directed to: Project Manager, Lloyd Shangreaux at or Procurement Representative, Alan Fish at


About Austin Housing Finance Corporation

The Austin Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) was created as a public, non-profit corporation and instrumentality of the City of Austin. The mission of the AHFC is to generate and implement strategic housing solutions for the benefit of low- and moderate-income residents of the City of Austin.

About Housing and Planning Department

The Housing and Planning Department provides resources related to planning, zoning, housing, and community development to enhance the quality of life of all Austinites. Equitable, efficient, and comprehensive planning with displacement prevention as a prioritized focus is the Department's core charge in delivering housing services to the community.