Monday, August 7, 2023

Joint Statement Regarding Zilker Park Vision Plan, Monday 8/7/23


From Council Member Ryan Alter, Mayor Pro Tem Paige Ellis and Council Member Zo Qadri

As City Council Members, we play a critical role as stewards of Zilker Park, and it is incumbent upon us to come together to protect and nurture this treasure for our entire community, not just for today or tomorrow, but for the many generations to come. We know Austinites can unify around making the park an accessible, sustainable space that embraces the natural elements that have existed long before we were here and that must exist long after.

We know that the Zilker Park Vision Plan proposes many improvements that have community consensus, such as additional green space, shade trees, erosion control, and bathrooms. Other elements, however, seem to be flash points of irreconcilable differences. We know the challenges Zilker Park is facing will not go away on their own, but we do not see a path forward for the Zilker Vision Plan and therefore cannot support it.
Council Member Ryan Alter, District 5
Mayor Pro Tem Paige Ellis, District 8
Council Member Zo Qadri, District 9