Tuesday, May 31, 2022

City’s Seeks Public Input on Proposals for Central East Austin Multifamily Rental Housing Development


The public may review and vote for their preferred proposal before June 19 deadline 

Austin, Texas — The City of Austin and Austin Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) today announced an open public comment and voting period for proposals to develop and operate a multifamily rental housing development(s) on a three-acre property—located at 3515 Manor Road— owned by the City of Austin and the AHFC. The public comment period is open now through the end of the day on June 19, 2022. 

This RFP is a partnership between APH and the AHFC. Supporting documentation and proposals are available on the RFP web page

The development of the property at 3515 Manor Road is anticipated to address both affordable housing priorities and additional community priorities that were identified through previous public engagement efforts. The development shall consist of one or more multifamily rental developments developed as low-income affordable housing for families, and Permanent Supportive Housing for persons experiencing homelessness. 

The required Permanent Supportive Housing will be supported by on-site social services to be provided by an experienced non-profit and funded through a Social Services contract with APH that is awarded through this RFP. 

For questions regarding the RFP, contact the authorized contact: 

Sarah Ramos 
Procurement Specialist 

About Austin Housing Finance Corporation
The Austin Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC) was created as a public, non-profit corporation and instrumentality of the City of Austin. The mission of the AHFC is to generate and implement strategic housing solutions for the benefit of low- and moderate-income residents of the City of Austin.

About Housing and Planning Department
The Housing and Planning Department provides resources related to planning, zoning, housing, and community development to enhance the quality of life of all Austinites. Equitable, efficient, and comprehensive planning with displacement prevention as a prioritized focus is the Department’s core charge in delivering housing services to the community.