02-22-0224: Barton Springs Bath House Rehabilitation Project
Contact: Keyheira Keys, Public Information Specialist, City of Austin Public Works, (512) 974-7111
Barton Springs Bath House Rehabilitation Project
Paige Ellis, Mayor Pro Tem, City of Austin
Michael Cannatti, President, Barton Springs Conservancy
Austin Parks and Recreation Department, City of Austin
Capital Delivery Services, City of Austin
When: Thursday, February 22 at 10:00 AM Where: 2131 William Barton Drive Austin, Texas 78746
Join the City of Austin's Capital Delivery Services and Austin Parks and Recreation Department as we celebrate the groundbreaking for our new Barton Springs Bathhouse Rehabilitation Project! The ceremony will occur on Thursday, February 22 at 10 a.m. at 2131 William Barton Drive.
NOTE: There is NO parking near the bathhouse. Guests are asked to park at the Rock Garden picnic area parking lot (near the moontower) as project construction will be underway. Please see map for details.