Friday, October 30, 2020

Parks News 10/30/2020

City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department

Parks News

Carver Museum Hosts Art and Business Conversation Series


The George Washington Carver Museum, Cultural and Genealogy Center, in collaboration with Capitol View Arts, will present its fourth installment of the Art and Business Conversation Series. This collaborative project was started in 2017 with the goal of providing professional development to early-mid career creatives, and takes place during the first three weeks of November. This series was founded to address the challenge that Black and Brown creatives in the Greater Austin area face in regards to launching their careers. The organizers of this series seek to provide practical skills that will provide motivated artists insight into the business of art and the cultivation of sustainable full-time careers.
Guest speakers and presenters for 2020 include: Lise Ragbir, Director of the Christian-Green Gallery and the Idea Lab at UT Austin, Andrea Mellard, Director of Public Programs and Community Engagement for The Contemporary Austin, Shani Hebert, President of Herbert Tax Consulting, LLC., visual artist Ryan Runcie, and Texas Lawyers and Accountants for the Arts attorney, Adrian Resendez.
All of the presentations will take place from 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. on Thursday, November 5, 12, and 19 via ZOOM webinar. Participants are encouraged to register via Evenbrite for additional details and updates about Vol. 1, Vol. 2, and Vol. 3.

Volume 1 - November 5
The first installment will be co-presented by Andrea Mellard and Lise Ragbir who will discuss the essential elements of developing a competitive arts application for funding and exhibition.

Volume 2 - November, 12
Ryan Runcie and Adrian Resendez will discuss the Legal and Logistical Intersection of Public Art Contracts.

Volume 3 - November 19
The final installment of this year's Art and Business Series will conclude with a presentation and Q&A from Shani Herbert who specializes in tax consulting services for creatives.

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More to read:
Hancock Golf Course Community Meetings Postponed
George Washington Carver Museum, Cultural and Genealogy Center Celebrates 40 Years
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Romeo and Katrina: Virtual Performance of Opening Scene Oct. 10
Austin Parks and Recreation Department Lifts Burn Restrictions

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