Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Calendar Corner: August 30 – September 12, 2022

Mobility Authority Board of Directors

The Central Texas Regional Mobility Authority Board of Directors is comprised of seven local community volunteers who are responsible for setting policies, identifying priority projects and ensuring the agency is operated in an efficient and effective manner.

Urban Transportation Commission

The Urban Transportation Commission makes recommendations to City Council on transportation-related matters, including energy-efficient transportation, transit service, active transportation options, taxicab franchises and provisions to best serve those with mobility impairments.

City Council Mobility Committee

The Mobility Committee reviews land use as it concerns mobility, all transportation modes including roads, aviation, public transit, pedestrian programs, bicycle programs, ground transportation, taxicab regulation, core transit corridors and related matters.

Project Connect Community Advisory Committee

The City of Austin, Capital Metro and the Austin Transit Partnership created an advisory committee to advise all three partners on topics related to equity and Project Connect, including efforts to curb displacement along the Project Connect system.

CAMPO Transportation Policy Board

The 22-member Transportation Policy Board (TPB) is the governing body for the Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (CAMPO) and is made up of 20 elected officials and a representative from TxDOT and one from Capital Metro. The TPB is the body that makes decisions on CAMPO policy and decides how CAMPO funding is allocated. 

Pedestrian Advisory Council

The Pedestrian Advisory Council advises the City of Austin and other jurisdictions on all matters relating to walking.